Sunday 12 June 2011

Less than 1 week to go ...

... until this year’s WHW Race! This is going to be my 4th year supporting Thomas and for the first time in 4 years I am still pretty calm. For the 1st time in 4 years we have not had any injury scares in the last month before the race or any forced rest periods and desperate visits to the physio. I know though that Marco is going through this just now so I really hope that he will be ok on race day.

There was a short episode of PRT – Pre-Race-Tension as Thomas has named it :-), but it seems to have passed again as I decided to take a step back from any questions that were deemed too inquisitive. Innocent ones such as how many kcal are in your new gels? What kind of electrolyte mix is in there etc? But I know my role, follow the given schedule exactly, it is “easy” as “everything will be on there” – and then of course still be prepared for all the things he wants that he has not put on his schedule! Or any other surprises that he might throw at us!

This year for the 1st time I am much more relaxed when I look at the Goblet that he won last year. All the pressure from the previous 3 years is away, he finished once before and we know he can do it. I also know that there are so many factors that will influence his race on the day. And a lot of things can still go wrong before he hopefully reaches the Leisure Centre and brings home his 2nd goblet.

And over the next few days my excitement will no doubt grow until everyone is gathered in Milngavie. There are quite a few friends running, hoping for a great race, a new PB, that first goblet, or a new addition to a goblet collection. I can’t wait to see how you are all getting on and hope that you will have a good race. And I really want to wish Caroline good luck! I am so excited for her and can’t wait to see her finishing.

Best of luck to all of you running, supporting, marshalling and of course organizing!


Anonymous said...

You made me cry in Bellahouston car park reading that! Thanks for the mention, I'm such a basket case just now and so tired that I don't feel like I'm going to make the start and you wrote 'when she finishes'! I've passed your number onto Chris and my dad so they will keep you posted. See you in Milngavie! Caroline x

Santababy said...

not sure i'll see you Silke as Thomas will be so far ahead! We'll catch up at some point, good luck crewing, i know how much hard work it is!